Picking Up a New Thread

I have just spent the weekend at a very inspiring peer conference on exploratory testing (Swedish Workshop on Exploratory Testing, SWET1) in Stockholm.

There were many interesting presentations and discussions, but what is on my mind right now is James Bach’s presentation on thread-based test management, http://www.satisfice.com/blog/archives/503 . I have been trying to adopt Session-Based Test Management (SBTM) for a while, but never managed to do any proper time-boxing since I would typically be interrupted in the middle of a session and have to abort or restart.

Quite often I will start a test activity, be interrupted and not finish the session, start a new test activity, not complete that session either for whatever reason and so on. Working this way makes me stressed since

  • It feels like I never finish anything.
  • I do not have an overview of what I am doing and what the status of the different tasks is.

I have also come to realize that in some cases I feel a bit hemmed in by the actual session. Even if the conditions change or something urgent comes up I still feel obliged to finish the session before I start a new activity. In those cases when I work in a chaos of sorts I think this perceived need to “be loyal” to my session reduces my efficiency.

So, I’m going to have a go at thread-based test management instead, and I start by making a mind map!

About Christin Wiedemann

Christin Wiedemann (@c_wiedemann) is the Co-CEO and Chief Scientist of PQA Testing. After finishing her PhD in Physics at Stockholm University, Christin Wiedemann started working as a software developer for the Swedish consulting company HiQ. Christin soon discovered that software testing was more interesting and challenging than development and subsequently joined the Swedish test company AddQ Consulting. At AddQ, she worked as a tester, test lead and trainer, giving courses on agile testing, test design and exploratory testing throughout Europe. Christin developed a course on exploratory testing, and is a co-creator of the exploratory testing approach xBTM. Christin currently lives in Vancouver, where she joined Professional Quality Assurance (PQA) Ltd. in 2011. In her current role as Chief Scientist, she drives PQA’s research and method development work. She continues to use her scientific background and pedagogic abilities to develop her own skills and those of others. LinkedIn Profile
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